Myanmar Issue
21 June 2017

Franz Xaver Augustin
Under military rule for half a century, Myanmar was substantially isolated from the world, including international exchanges and developments that took place in neighbouring countries. Not only the economy, but also education and culture fell far behind as a result of stunted growth through...
A Bright Star Will Shine
Nandita Jaishankar
My second visit to Yangon in December 2016 coincided with the opening weekend of the Mingalabar! Festival. The Institut Français de Birmanie (IFB) in collaboration with the Government of Yangon Region, organized the first ever multi-disciplinary arts festival, taking to public spaces at an...
Inhabiting Their Art
Haymann Oo
New Zero Art Space is a nonprofit visual arts organization that was established in Yangon in 2008 by artist and curator, Aye Ko. Aiming to empower and educate a new generation of practitioners, the gallery and art library promotes local, contemporary voices through its display of sculptures,...
Emerging Trends In Photo Art In Myanmar
Nathalie Johnston
The research for my Master’s degree about performance art in Myanmar brought me to Yangon eight years ago. I had started a blog called Myanm/art in order to build awareness in the English language about some of the trends in contemporary art here – it was a way in which to connect a...