09 March 2013
Binh Dang, From the series Small Things

The Recovery issue seeks to identify with the necessary recuperation period that takes place after one is confronted with an altercation, whether social, political, ecological or cultural. The gradual change that occurs in an individual’s or in family life in the aftermath of a drastically transformative event, also expresses the diverse ways in which people as well as spaces experience, and adjust to life, often expressing their adaptability. This might occur in their interactions with one another or the places they live or work in. How, then, can photography express this moment, this passage and growth from one state of being into another? Are changes always for the better? or is there indeed ‘recovery’ at all?
With support from
Looking Back
The massive earthquake that struck eastern Japan on 11th March 2011 brought about large scale destruction. The Tohoku region was at the centre of this tragedy. More than eighteen thousand people lost their lives or went missing as a consequence and more than four hundred thousand people were...
Recovery Through Change
The word ‘recovery’ in this issue has many connotations. In its broadest scope, the word is defined as: a return to a normal state of health, mind or strength; it can also be the process of regaining possession or control of something stolen or lost. When such a notion is imagined in a visual...
What defines family? Does birth determine it? Does sharing a bloodline, albeit with no memories, automatically determine one another as family? As someone born in a house to parents who hail from entirely different parts of the country, and having been raised in a multicultural and ethnically...