Freedom |

FEROZSHAH KOTLA YAWN by Kaushik Ramaswamy Digital
Freedom: Liberty, Privilege, Power, Abandon, Opportunity
Freedom: As much a philosophy, an ethics of engagement, as an ‘act’, the notion of Freedom seeks to arrive at a series of photographs that may highlight how a circumstance, a point of view or even an idea may liberate one. How does freedom – or the lack of – impact our everyday lives? The visualization of ‘Freedom’ can be in the way people find ways to express themselves through actions, through questions of identity, through forms of resistance, or even through the power of an image, a portrait that could be considered unconventional in a sense. It can be about understanding the self within the larger context of society – what are the things that drive us, that make us rage against known barriers? What makes us free to be who we are? These are only some ways in which the theme may be interpreted – it is open to your personal understanding of title as well, given there is a brief accompanying note.
In a broader sense, we are trying to present contemporary practices of photographers in India, and identify the cultural exchanges in photography. Is there a common ground of reference? Professionals, enthusiasts and amateurs are free to apply.
Last Date For Submissions: April 1, 2012