Sri Lanka Newsletter

17 July 2015

Chinthaka Thenuwara, From the series Transforming Gender / Conceiving Spaces

The invitation to expand the Gender Issue of PIX, originally titled Embody, has led to a foray into contemporary photography practices from Sri Lanka with a focus on identity and location.  This newsletter presents works submitted and nominated following a brief recce, which cites personal photography projects that can be read as civil and political statements generated while negotiations between the state and communities are ongoing, if not rife. Hence, the separation of art from documentation finds an uneasy equation  when the subject abounds with personal disclosure projects. These narratives breathe new life into the aesthetics of domesticity and privacy, challenging notions of probable gender constructs, so that lives, no less ordinary than our own, can be critically observed while being conscious of the gendered gaze.

In collaboration with

Print PioneersPost_BritishCouncil_logo_1


Equal Ground

Rosanna Flamer-Caldera

Equal Ground Rosanna Flamer-Caldera, Executive Director, EQUAL GROUND EQUAL GROUND is a non-profit organisation seeking human and political rights for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Questioning (LGBTIQ) community of Sri Lanka. It remains the only truly mixed association...

Lives Less Ordinary

Nandita Jaishankar & Rahaab Allana

The invitation to expand the Gender Issue of PIX, originally titled Embody, has led to a foray into contemporary photography practices from Sri Lanka with a focus on identity and location. It comes at a significant political moment, wherein a broader scrutiny of social policies around sexuality...


The Imprint of Lovers

Liz Fernando

Transforming Gender/Conceiving Spaces

Chinthaka Thenuwara

I Let My Hair Loose (Protest Series)

Anoli Perera

Lionel Wendt’s Selected Portraits

Dominic Sansoni Collection

The Holy Merchandise

Muvindu Binoy

A Place in ‘the Spectrum’

Supun Thrikawala & Suranga Prabath

Lanka Girls

Luka Alagiyawanna

The Soul of a Homeland

Pattabi Raman